Friday, March 18, 2016

Outside Inside

Hello reader! Are you enjoying the springtime as much as I am? 

It is glorious to be able to go outside and spin and sit and just be warm. There are some particularly well-placed benches in the park nearby for me to go and jot down the myriad ideas in my head or scribble my observations on my surroundings. I love people-watching! And I love the outdoors! 

But okay, honestly I don’t really want to go outside much. After that first day of actually having a choice to be inside or outside, I’m...content. Outside is nice. Inside is too. The sun doesn’t burn my legs or blind my eyes or make me sleepy. There are no bugs. There’s a better internet connection (for all the research I am doing for when I write. Facebook is indoor people-watching). 

I think I am more in love with the idea of being outside than actually going there. Ever since my first Shakespeare analysis (Twelfth Night) when my english teacher said Orsino was in love with the idea of being in love, it has made me wonder what ideas I thrill to more than act on. The outdoors is one. I would go outside more, be adventurous more. But I am very much entertained by my own mind. You might see my body sitting somewhere, but I would be gone.

I will go outside, though. It is a good thing to do. 

“It’s time, it’s time. I’ve made up my mind. But I’ve changed my mind that I’ve made up my mind.” - The Brightest Of The Head by Starflyer59 

Actually I think, for now, I will stay inside and listen to that song. It is a really catchy song. I will look outside the window while I do it. How about that? 


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