Sunday, January 22, 2017

Back to Class

“Are you sure you are alright to drive, Lily?” Mom said.

“Yes, Mom, I will be fine!” Lily said.

“Danika, you will help drive?” Mom said.

“Yes, Ma'am! I will!” said Danika.

“Get in the car Danika, hurry up!” I mumbled so Mom couldn’t hear me!

I love my Mom, but it is time for us to get back to school!!

I think I lost two whole days with that earache!

My mind keeps churning over the dream or delusion or whatever it was. It was vivid!

“103-degree fever will do that to you!” the doctor told my family.

I thought I was starting to get another earache, but I must have scared my family and Danika pretty bad. They had taken me to the doctor’s office during Christmas, and I don’t even remember that part.

Danika had asked me just as many times if I am ok as my Mom and Dad had asked me the same question.

We finally get to the gas station and filled up, so with road trip snacks in hand, and we are on our way back to school.

Four more hours to our little apartment and back to the books.

Oh Yeah! I almost forgot.. next week will finally be my launch of my very first e-book!! Don’t forget to look for it!

I have been so busy this Christmas, I almost forgot to post what I have poured my heart and soul into over the past several months, and it is coming out next week!!

So here is to another year down and great success to my e-book.

I will continue to work on and decipher what it is I saw in my dream... reality... or whatever that was I experienced for two days!

It’s just too much to write all at once. Some things are spotty. Danika has already offered to help. Thank God she took notes to what I was saying, lol! She says there is much more to what I said...I am not sure if that is good or bad...Time will tell!


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lily…In A Wonder Land

Just a note. I did not write this. I made this post from notes that Danika took because honestly, I do not remember any of it.


“Lily, where are you?”

“I can’t see you?”

“I am here.”

“My head is throbbing.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know what is going on?”

“I just laid my head down for a minute.”

“I wasn’t feeling well, I think I see things?”

“It’s not clear yet, everything is fuzzy…”


I am here…..silence

She said I am here, but it wasn’t audible. She thought she had spoken, but she had not. She could hear “What do we do about Lily?”

Then it went black. Then it went silent!

“Who is that?” “Rog...Don’t you remember me?”

“Me? No, I am sorry, I don’t know who you are?” “ How do I know you?”

“We went to school together. don’t remember me?”

“Rog...what kind of name is that?”

“A family name, of course...!”

“Oooh, what was that?” “What was that?”

“Lily, are you ok?”

“ I hear water rushing..why can’t I see anything?”

“ I am so hot! Where are we?”

“Maybe we should call the doctor?”

“The doctor? What for?”

“Do you not remember our first kiss, Lily???”

“What?” “What kiss?” “ I have never kissed anyone in my life! Anyone ever, except for my family!”

“Go back and remember!” "Just go back, you will see….!”

“Danika, Danika?”

“Yes, Lily?”

“I just had the craziest dream!”

“Lily, you have had a fever for several days with your inner earache!”

“You weren’t dreaming, you were delusional!”

“But I saw Rog, I remember now….!”

“Lily lay back need to get your rest.” “We have to get back to school, we are driving home tomorrow. Well, I will be driving home tomorrow!”

“But it was Rog!...Almost like I went through time just like when I met James, again…”

“Lily, who is James…..?” “Lily, Lily?”



(Danika took the notes)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

New and Old Christmas Traditions

So, I wrote this post last week...but in all the excitement of the holidays, I actually forgot to put it on my blog, oops!  But, I am doing that now.

Being home is just that, “Home!”  The place of home is of super significance and valued in my life at this time. I am home visiting my family and friends from childhood.  As I sit here and watch PeePaw unwrap the very unique Christmas ornaments, that once belonged to Granny, I can see his face and the love he still holds for her in his heart.  He takes turns handing out the ornaments to Danika and me so we can decorate the tree, I realize Danika hasn’t heard their love story yet.  He brings out the ornaments that were handmade by Granny explaining to Danika that back when he was young, they made their own ornaments.

Mom is in the kitchen with Dad’s help making hot cocoa and homemade cookies, in the background, you can hear the Christmas music on the old radio, still PeePaw’s favorite!

There is a knock on the door, so I run to see who it is.  We weren’t expecting anyone today!  I open the door to reveal the faces of my old friends from elementary school!  Wow, what an amazing day! Two people from ages ago just come over to say hello and Merry Christmas!  I did not think I would see them ever again!  I used to play with them from time to time so long ago, now they have moved back to our hometown, what a nice surprise!

As we all set around the dinner table on Christmas day, Danika looks at me and says, “You have a great family. Lily, you really do!”

“I do, Danika!" I smile. “I love my family so much!”

I am so glad you came home with me for Christmas, Danika!

I wonder what I will be doing with my own family in 50 years?  Don’t you?
